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Table 3 Checklist of items to consider in data collection or data extraction from Cochrane Handbook [1]

From: Automating data extraction in systematic reviews: a systematic review


 • Study ID (created by review author)

 • Report ID (created by review author)

 • Review author ID (created by review author)

 • Citation and contact details


 • Confirm eligibility for review

 • Reason for exclusion


 • Study design

 • Total study duration

 • Sequence generationa

 • Allocation sequence concealmenta

 • Blindinga

 • Other concerns about biasa


 • Total number

 • Setting

 • Diagnostic criteria

 • Age

 • Sex

 • Country

 • [Co-morbidity]

 • [Socio-demographics]

 • [Ethnicity]

 • [Date of study]


 • Total number of intervention groups.

For each intervention and comparison group of interest:

 • Specific intervention

 • Intervention details (sufficient for replication, if feasible)

 • [Integrity of intervention]


 • Outcomes and time points (i) collected; (ii) reporteda

For each outcome of interest:

 • Outcome definition (with diagnostic criteria if relevant)

 • Unit of measurement (if relevant)

 • For scales: upper and lower limits, and whether high or low score is good


 • Number of participants allocated to each intervention group.

For each outcome of interest:

 • Sample size

 • Missing participantsa

 • Summary data for each intervention group (e.g. 2 × 2 table for dichotomous data; means and SDs for continuous data)

 • [Estimate of effect with confidence interval; P value]

 • [Subgroup analyses]


 • Funding source

 • Key conclusions of the study authors

 • Miscellaneous comments from the study authors

 • References to other relevant studies

 • Correspondence required

 • Miscellaneous comments by the review authors

  1. Items without parentheses should normally be collected in all reviews; items in square brackets may be relevant to some reviews and not to others
  2. aFull description required for standard items in the ‘Risk of bias’ tool