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Table 1 Electronic database search strategies

From: Diagnostic accuracy of fine needle aspiration biopsy for detection of malignancy in pediatric thyroid nodules: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis


Ovid MEDLINE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PubMed, Evidence-Based Medicine reviews


Search filter

MeSH terms

Text words

Emtree terms

Text words


Thyroid gland, thyroid nodule, thyroid neoplasm,


Thyroid gland, thyroid nodule, thyroid tumor, thyroid carcinoma, thyroid cancer



Biopsy; biopsy, fine-needle; biopsy, needle; image-guided biopsy; biopsy, large-core needle;

FNA, core needle biopsy, biopsy*, aspirat*, core, needle, cytology

Needle biopsy, biopsy, image guided biopsy, biopsy needle, large core needle biopsy, tumor biopsy, biopsy technique, fine biopsy needle, core biopsy needle, fine needle aspiration biopsy

Fna, core needle biopsy, biops* aspirat*, core, needle, cytology


Pediatrics, adolescent, child

Adol*, child*, ped*, paed*

Pediatrics, adolescent, child

Adol*, child* ped* paed*

  1. MeSH medical subject headings