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Table 1 Description of the continuous surveillance and updating strategy

From: Continuous surveillance of a pregnancy clinical guideline: an early experience




1. Recruitment of members for the CG Updating Working Group

− Contact the CG Development Group to invite them to participate in the implementation of the strategy.

− Replace non-respondents or those who declined with new members.

− Technical team

2. Mapping of the CG

− Identify clinical questions, recommendations, and references in the CG.

− Compile original documentation (searches, references, evidence syntheses, and GRADE evidence profiles).

− Technical team

3. Identification of evidence from the CG Updating Working Group

− Distribute a questionnaire via email among the CG Updating Working Group for identifying new evidence.

− Clinical team

− Patients and carers team

4. Design of restricted literature search strategy

− Design and validate restricted search strategies per clinical question.

− Design search strategy for costs and resources use and for patients’ values and preferences.

− Technical team

5. Running of restricted literature searches

− Conduct restricted searches in MEDLINE (through PubMed).

− Technical team

6. Review of alerts for drugs and medical devices

− Identify alerts for drugs and medical devices issued by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products.

− Technical team

7. Development of references database

− Develop references database and identify duplicates among the different information sources and between the original and updated CGs.

− Technical team

8. First reference screening

− Identify pertinent references (topic-related references with a fitting study design).

− Technical team

9. Second reference screening (assessment of new evidence impact)

− Develop a questionnaire to identify: (1) relevant references: references that are pertinent for updating a recommendation but that actually do not trigger an update and (2) potential key references: references that could potentially trigger an update of a recommendation.

− Clinical team

− Technical team

10. Development of a clinical questions database

− Select clinical questions with pertinent, relevant, and key references.

− Technical team

11. Classification of clinical questions

− Analyse clinical questions database to identify: (1) clinical questions to be reviewed: with potential key references and with different relevant references or important pharmacological alerts, (2) valid clinical questions: without potential key references associated and (3) new clinical questions.

− Technical team

12. Review and, if necessary, modification of clinical questions and recommendations

− Assessment of the potential key references.

− Update recommendations if necessary.

− Identify key references (references that have triggered changes in one or more recommendations).

− Reach a consensus with the CG Updating Working Group on the suggested updates.

− Clinical team

− Patients and carers team

− Technical team

13. Update of the CG manuscript

− Incorporate updates in the previous version of the CG manuscript.

− Technical team

  1. CG clinical guideline