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Table 1 MEDLINE systematic review search strategy

From: Interventions to reduce dependency in bathing in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review

 1. older adults/

 2. elderly/

 3. aged/

 4. (older$ adj1 (person$ or adult$)).tw.

 5. (elderly$ adj2 (adult$ or person$)).tw.

 6. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

 7. baths/

 8. shower$.tw.

 9. (bath$ adj3 (independ$ or depend$ or disab$)).tw.

 10. 7 or 8 or 9

 11. 6 and 10

 12. randomized controlled

 13. controlled clinical

 14. (control$ adj2 trial).tw.

 15. intervention study/

 16. experiment$.tw.

 17. (time adj1 series).tw.

 18. (pre test or pretest or posttest or post test).tw.

 19. random allocation/

 20. intervention?.tw.

 21. evaluation studies/

 22. comparative

 23. 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22

 24. 11 and 23

 25. nursing home/

 26. 24 not 25

 27. radon/

 28. 26 not 27

 29. limit to adults