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Table 3 Minimum data set of information extracted from included papers

From: Exposures associated with infection with Cryptosporidium in industrialised countries: a systematic review protocol

Bibliographic detail

Study detail

 Name of reviewer

 Study design

 Date of extraction

 Number of cases reported

 Publication type

 Age/sex cases/participants

 Country of origin/language

 Case definition (and any known co-infections)

 Study title

 Definition of exposure(s)

 Names of authors

 Definition of activities

 Journal/source reference

 Species identified

 Year published

 Incubation period


 Exposure window(s)

Study outcomes

General methodological

 Number (%) exposed among groups


 Types of exposures

 Likely biases

 Comparator(s) (well controls, other infection)


 Selection and recruitment methods


 Availability of appropriate controls (from the same source population as the cases)


 Interview methods


 Effect measures (type and result)