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Table 1 Draft data extraction tool

From: Barriers and facilitators to office-based opioid agonist therapy prescribing and effective interventions to increase provider prescribing: protocol for a systematic review

Variable name


Study characteristics


Authors of publication


Publication year


Country of origin


Language of publication

 Funding source

Reported source of funding for the study


Study population


Study setting

 Study type

Study design

 Community size

Rural urban or remote

 Location of graduation

Location prescriber graduated from

 Practice type

Private, group, solo, community health center


Prescriber licensing to prescribe opioid agonists


Training in addiction medicine or opioid agonist therapy

 Training type

Type of training received in addiction medicine or opioid agonist therapy

 Training type description

Description of training as reported by authors


Sample population

 Study method

Study method used

 Study participants

Number of study participants

 Participant response rate

What proportion of participants responded


Reported gender of participants

 Inclusion criteria

Reported inclusion criteria

 Exclusion criteria

Reported exclusion criteria

 Statistical analytic technique

Statistical technique(s) used in analysis

Documented Barriers and Facilitators

 TDF domains

-Barriers or facilitators that reflect individual or group level influences on implementation will be coded to one of Michie et al 2005, TDF Domains (CFIR Domains II, III, and V will be used in lieu of TDF’s Environmental context and resources/Environmental constraints)



Social/professional role and identity

Beliefs about capabilities

Beliefs about consequences

Motivation and goals

Memory, attention, decision processes

Social influences


Behavioral regulation

Nature of the behaviors

 CFIR domains

-Barriers-facilitators that reflect context will be coded into one of Damschroder et al. 2009 CFIR Domains (and their respective subdomains), excluding Domain IV – Individual Characteristics, which will be replaced by TDF domains

I. Intervention characteristics (8)

II. Outer setting (4)

III. Inner setting (5)

V. Implementation process characteristics (4)


 Self-reported willingness to participate in prescribing office-based OAT

Self-reported willingness to prescribe office-based OAT

 Actual participation in office-based OAT prescribing

Reported participation in office-based OAT

 Actual participation in at least one determinant of office-based OAT prescribing

Reported participation in at least one determinant of OAT prescribing

 OAT determinants

Reported determinants

 Documented strategies

(These strategies will be inductively analyzed in an iterative fashion, and coded as themes arise)

Reported strategies for enhancing provider prescription of OAT, or elements of OAT