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Table 1 Key dimensions for planning reviews

From: Clarifying differences between reviews within evidence ecosystems

1. Review aims and approach. (i) Approach of the review: ontological, epistemological, theoretical, and ideological assumptions of the reviewers and users of the review; (ii) review question: what the review is asking of research (and the type of information that would answer it); and (iii) aggregation and configuration: the relative use of these logics and strategies in the different review components (and the positioning of theory in the review process, the degree of homogeneity of data, and the degree of iteration of the review method).

2.Structure and components of reviews. (iv) The systematic map and synthesis stages of a review and the potential multiple components of these stages and (v) the relation between these stages and components

3.Breadth, depth, and ‘work done’ by reviews. (vi) Macro research strategy: the positioning of the review (and resources and the work aimed to be done) within the state of what is already known and other research planned by the review team and others and (vii) the staff, time or other resources used to achieve this