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Table 1 Sample search strategy: details of the terms searched in CINAHL database

From: The effectiveness of psychological interventions for fatigue in cancer survivors: systematic review of randomised controlled trials


Search term


‘cancer survivors’ OR ‘neoplasm’/exp OR neoplasm OR surviv* OR ‘cancer’/exp OR cancer OR ‘remission’/exp OR remission OR ‘post treatment’


psychology OR psych*or AND behaviour AND therapy OR hypnosis OR relaxation OR imagery OR cognition OR psychotherapy OR cognit*


fatigue OR asthenic OR asthenia OR exhaustion OR exhausted OR ‘loss of energy’ OR ‘loss of vitality’ OR weary OR weariness OR weakness OR apathy OR apathetic OR lassitude OR lethargic OR lethargy OR sleepy OR sleepiness OR drowsy OR drowsiness OR tired OR tiredness


‘randomized controlled trial’ OR controlled OR clinical OR trial OR ‘random assignment’


1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4