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Table 1 Medline Ovid proposed search strategy

From: Disparities in a provision of in-hospital post-arrest interventions for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in the elderly population—protocol for a systematic review


*heart arrest/or *out-of-hospital cardiac arrest/or (asystole? or ((heart or cardiac or post-cardiac or cardiopulmonary or cardio-pulmonary) adj2 arrest) or post-arrest or ((cardiac or heart) adj3 (sudden or out-of-hospital or "out of hospital") adj3 arrest) or OHCA).tw,kf.


exp cardiac catheterization/or exp angioplasty balloon/or angioplasty, laser/or exp hypothermia, induced/or exp defibrillators, implantable/or exp myocardial revascularization/or transmyocardial laser revascularization/or circulatory arrest, deep hypothermia induced/or angiocardiography/or cardiac catheterization/or cardiography, impedance/or coronary angiography/or exp percutaneous coronary intervention/or exp coronary artery bypass/or ((catheter$ adj2 (heart or cardiac)) or ((balloon or transluminal) adj3 angioplast$ adj3 (coronary or laser)) or (induced adj3 hypothermia?) or (defibrillator? adj3 implantable) or ICD or (revasculari#ation? adj2 (myocardial or transmyocardial or laser)) or "internal mammary arter$ implantation" or (("deep hypothermic" or "deep hypothermia") adj3 circulatory adj3 arrest) or (function adj3 test? adj3 (cardiac or heart)) or "chain of survival" or angiocardiograph$ or ((cardiograph$ or transthoracic) adj3 impedance) or (coronary adj angiograph$) or ((technique? or technic? or stud?) adj2 (cardiac or intracardiac) adj2 electrophysiologic$) or (electrogram adj ((bundle adj2 his) or intracardiac or atrial)) or (programmed adj2 electrostimulation adj2 cardiac) or (coronary adj4 (intervention? or revasculari#ation?) adj4 percutaneous) or ((neurological or neurologic) adj prognostication) or neuroprognostication).tw,kf.


health services accessibility/or healthcare disparities/or delivery of health care/or delivery of health care, integrated/or exp rural health/or exp rural health service?/or resuscitation orders/or advance directive adherence/or withholding treatment/or refusal to treat/or refusal to participate/or health facility size/or coronary care units/or medically underserved area/or health services research/or quality of health care/or program evaluation/or exp quality indicators, health care/or utilization review/or concurrent review/or health impact assessment/or "health care quality, access, and evaluation"/or rural health services/or urban health services/or health services for the aged/or exp geriatric nursing/or exp geriatric assessment/or cardiovascular nursing/or critical care nursing/or triage/or intensive care/or critical care/or intensive care units/or ((access$ adj3 (program or "health service?")) or (distribution?? adj3 (activit$ or community-based or "community based")) or (rural adj3 health) or (("do-not-resuscitate" or "do not resuscitate" or resuscitat$) adj3 (order? or decision? or polic$ or withhold$)) or ((adherence? or compliance) adj3 ("advance directive" or directive?)) or ((withdraw$ or cessat$ or withhold$) adj3 (treatment? or care)) or (health adj2 attitude?) or (("physician? refusal" or refusal) adj3 treat) or (size? adj3 ((health adj3 facility) or hospital?)) or (((medical$ adj3 underserved) or (physician? adj3 shortage)) adj3 (area? or region? or location or district? or neighbo?rhood)) or (("health services" or "medical care" or healthcare or "health care") adj3 (research or quality or indicator? or outcome? or stud$ or (process? adj3 (measure? or assessment?)))) or (("health services" or "medical care" or healthcare or "health care") adj3 (inequit? or equit? or access or disparit$ or deliver$)) or ((patient or patient-centered) adj3 outcome? adj3 (assessment? or research)) or (program$ adj3 (evaluation? or effectiveness or sustainabilit$ or appropriateness)) or (review? adj (concurrent or "continued stay" or utili#ation)) or (impact adj2 assessment? adj2 health) or (health adj3 service? adj3 (geriatric or aged or elderly or urban)) or (geriatric adj2 (assessment? or nursing?)) or ((coronary or cardia$ or cardio$ or vascular or intensive or critical) adj3 (nursing or care or unit?)) or (health adj3 care adj3 evaluation?) or triage? or (provision? adj3 care)).tw,kf.


exp aged/or "aged, 80 and over"/or frail elderly/or exp geriatrics/or (geriatric$ or gerontology or elder?? or senior? or retiree$ or retirement? or sexagenarian$ or septuagenarian$ or octogenarian$ or nonagenarian$ or centenarian$ or supercentenarian$ or ((old?? or elder?? or age? or senior? or geriatric?) adj2 (patient? or adult$ or client$ client$ or patient$ or person$ or citizen? or people or population? or frail or functionally-impaired or "functionally impaired")) or grandparent$ or grandmother$ or grandfather$ or grandma?? or grandpa?? or ((old??? or advance?) adj2 (old or age?)) or ((age? or old??) adj2 ("6# years" or "7# years" or "8# years" or "9# years" or "10# years"))).tw,kf.


1 and 2 and 3 and 4


limit 5 to yr = "1989 -Current"


Animals/not (Animals/and Humans/)


6 not 7