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Table 4 Mechanisms

From: The influence of contextual factors on healthcare quality improvement initiatives: a realist review

Initial programme theory mechanism

Refined programme theory mechanism

Response triggered by intervention

System level influence

Creating the Culture


Staff with autonomy to initiate improvement and come up with ideas/solutions; increases their desire to become involved.

Organisational structures to support autonomy.


Ownership of QI drives improvement activities.

Micro level—operational context (ward/clinic) where change takes place.

Macro/meso level—organisational ownership, engaging with national initiatives and being able to translate them to local priorities.

Frontline engagement


Engagement with QI efforts fostered by interest, active involvement and autonomy.

Needs micro/meso/macro level commitment.

Informed practitioners

QI capability building

Micro level—empowers frontline staff to lead initiative and increased confidence show/tell other staff.

Needs micro/meso/macro level commitment.

QI capacity building

Micro level—enabling via the provision of resources and support: building skills, knowledge, relationships and the confidence to enact change.

Needs micro/meso/macro level commitment.

Strong leadership

Psychological ‘safety’

Micro level—freedom to voice concerns; characterised by openness, trust and open communication.

Organisational macro/meso structures to facilitate that psychological safety within QI work.


Micro level—motivation of staff.

Macro/meso level support for improvement.