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Table 2 Data items

From: Effectiveness of task-shifting for the detection of diabetic retinopathy in low- and middle-income countries: a rapid review protocol

Data categories

Example data items

Publication characteristics


Authors, title, publication date, journal citation

Study characteristics



Dates of data collection

Population characteristics



Population demographics (age, gender)

Sample size

Intervention characteristics


Setting (rural/urban, community/hospital)

Task shifting cadre

Training (type and duration)

Scope of the task (screening, treatment, both)

Eye examination procedures (Mydriatic/ non mydriatic, ophthalmoscopy/photography)

Technology (cameras, ophthalmoscope, slit lamp, OCT)

DR classification (EDTRS, other)

Referral criteria/guidelines (periodicity; immediate referral for severe cases; compliance tracking)

Quality assurance (audit, retraining, CPD or any other measure for quality assurance)



1. Proportion of patients accessing detection services among the adult population with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

2. Proportion of patients diagnosed to have DR among those accessing detection services

3. Diagnostic accuracy of the task-shifting intervention for DR detection

4. Severity of DR at detection

5. Cost-effectiveness of the task-shifting intervention