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Table 2 Data extraction form

From: Engaging older adults in self-management talk in healthcare encounters: a systematic review protocol

Author and date

• Bibliographic details:

 o Title of study

 o Author(s)

 o Year of publication

 o Source (e.g. journal title, volume, and issue; book reference and pp.)

• Country of study

• Academic field of publication (e.g. sociology, medicine)

• Aim of the study

• Addition research questions/objectives

• Study design characteristics:

 o Methodological approach (as described by the author(s))

• Setting:

 o Number of sites (e.g. two sites of the same setting, e.g. two general practice clinics)

 o Number of institutional settings

• Participant characteristics (N, age, health status/conditions, other reported information)

• Data characteristics:

 o Recording methods (audio, audio-visual)

 o Size of the overall dataset (minutes; number of interactions recorded)

 o Number of reported episodes (extracts)—number of episodes in the data collection/corpus pertaining to EACH finding

 o Are interactions one-on-one, multiparty, or both?

 o Institutional or mundane interaction or both?

 o Is the practice observed in more than one group? (do patients or providers use it, or both?)

• Analysis characteristics—does the analysis:

 o Examine interactional data in fine-grained detail?

 o Attend to sequence (i.e. examine more than one party’s turns)?

 o Examine more than topical/semantic content? (i.e. does it examine aspects of grammar, syntax, pragmatics, and/or prosody?)

 o Includes examination of interactional consequences/outcomes?

 o Includes deviant cases?

 o Support central analytic claims by direct references to the data (e.g. quotations, extracts)? (no/occasionally/predominantly)

 o Are key analytic claims supported by reference to relevant published sources? (no/occasionally/predominantly)

• Findings reported (broad)—complete for each study:

 o Results summary (e.g. as reported in the abstract)

 o Number of relevant primary findings (types of practices)

 o Number of relevant secondary findings (types of practices)

• Findings reported (narrow)—complete for each identified phenomenon

 o Phenomenon (i.e. type of communication practice, in brief)

 o Phenomenon in the author’s own words

 o Related research question (if stated)

 o Number of episodes (extracts) pertaining to this finding in the article

 o Typical/archetypal sequence—include direct example(s)

 o Sequence/turn design features of the phenomenon

 o Interactional effects of the design features

 o Overall function of the phenomenon

 o Proposed implications in author’s own words

 o Other possible implications (reviewer’s comment)

• Conclusions

• Study limitations

• Author recommendations