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Table 1 Systematic scoping review protocol of models, implementation strategies, indicators and frameworks for patient and stakeholder engagement in stroke patients

From: Systematic scoping review protocol of Stroke Patient and Stakeholder Engagement (SPSE)




The study includes past or present stroke patients (of any age, gender, or health status, as well as their family carers) their formal and informal caregivers, patient representatives, researchers, and participants from various nations

Primary research

PSE are active research participants, as opposed to passive research participants (subjects) or active clinical care recipients

Screening procedure

This scoping review defines important ideas, definitions, and components and identifies models, implementation techniques, indicators, and frameworks for the establishment of an active SPSE

Disease definitions

The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association defines a stroke as one that includes silent infarctions (including cerebral, spinal, and retinal) and silent hemorrhages [32]


Our aim will be worldwide, encompassing all nations

Study design

We will consider observational and interventional investigations, including experimental, quasi-experimental, analytical, descriptive, qualitative, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, before-and-after studies, and interrupted time-series studies

Result and conclusion

By presenting the model, implementation strategies, indicators, and frameworks for stroke patients, we synthesize existing knowledge to address gaps in the literature on SPSE research