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Table 1 Inclusive economy outcome domains focused on in this reviewa (Shipton et al. 2021b) [48]

From: Assessing the effects of population-level political, economic and social exposures, interventions and policies on inclusive economy outcomes for health equity in high-income countries: a systematic review of reviews

• The distribution of the benefits of the economy, specifically the following: (a) essential goods and services (e.g. water, electricity, housing or digital connectivity), (b) economic inclusion (e.g. access to stable employment, adequate and stable income), (c) assets that confer economic power (e.g. wealth, capital or social connections) and (d) the value conferred on different parts of the economy (such as female-dominated or unpaid sectors)

• Access to the resources needed to participate in the economy, e.g. access to early years experiences, health, education, training, employment, finance

  1. aFor the purposes of this paper, we distinguish between these ‘inclusive economy (IE) outcome domains’ and ‘review-level outcomes’ which are those specific outcomes considered in the included reviews (see the ‘Data synthesis: applying synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) to a review of reviews’ section)